Learn how to minimize the impact of employment related litigation and settlements to your bottom line.
This presentation will introduce HR professionals to common issues that arise in the context of employment litigation settlements. The program will cover the general rules that apply to determining the income tax treatment of a litigation settlement, with an emphasis on the forms of damages that a plaintiff in an employment-related lawsuit may recover. Concerning employment lawsuits, the program will address the documents that are key to determining how the settlement payment should be allocated across the various claims and how that affects the employer's tax reporting. The risks of errors in the process and unique issues for both plaintiffs and employers will also be explored.

Matthew J. Meltzer
Matthew Meltzer
- Counsel for Flaster Greenberg’s Business & Corporate Department
- Member of the Taxation Group at Flaster Greenberg
- Speaks at several national events regarding the tax treatment of litigation settlements, for both plaintiffs and attorneys
- Published in Law360 on the tax pitfalls to avoid in reporting employment litigation settlements
- Spent 2 years as a labor and employment litigator before transitioning to tax practice
- Advises a leading industry group on the tax treatment of structured settlements
- B.A. degree, Swarthmore College; J.D. degree, Vanderbilt University School of Law

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