Learn valuable tricks and techniques to help optimize your marketing and social media writing.
Many administrators struggle with creating and writing for social media content, trying to capture attention and engagement within a very short timeframe. This often requires concise, captivating writing while still conveying a clear message, all while competing with a large volume of other content on the platform, making it difficult to stand out and resonate with your audience. This presentation will help you understand the best use of each of the big 3 social media platforms and the type of content and writing needed for each. It will also help you recognize what type of content your audience is looking for and engaging with, as well as educating them about your business and industry. You will also walk away with great tips and tools to make your social media creation and management easier for you.

Patricia Singer
Follow Me Social Media Consulting
- Owner of Follow Me Social Media Consulting
- Practice focuses on social media management for small to mid-sized business and social media consultation and training for business and individuals.
- Social media trainer for the Morris County Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Mount Olive Area Chamber of Commerce/NJ
- Frequently participates in speaking and training sessions for local businesses and organizations throughout NJ
- VP of the Mount Olive Area Chamber of Commerce, manager of the organizations Opportunity Channel, and a member of American Business Associates (ABA), Business Networking International (BNI) Main Street Chapter, and BNI Global Power Team
- Social media certification from Centenary University, Hackettstown, NJ
- Can be reached at [email protected], 201-874-0032 or www.besttofolowme.com

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