Gain an understanding of the zoning provisions for community residences and recovery communities that comply with the Fair Housing Act and statewide zoning laws.
Community residential facilities offer individuals with disabilities and other needs a nurturing, residential environment. Oftentimes, these uses are faced with resistance from either local governments or neighbors, who tend to acknowledge the benefits of these facilities, while simultaneously expounding a not in my backyard position. For that reason, protections have been put in place under Federal Law, and, in many cases, at the State level as well. While this means that municipal oversight may be limited, it does not mean that these facilities must go unregulated. This live webinar will provide an overview of community residential facilities, and how they are and can be regulated at the Federal, State, and local governmental levels, while protecting the rights and needs of the individuals who live in them.

Jody T. Cross, Esq.
Zarin & Steinmetz LLP
- Partner at Zarin & Steinmetz; Licensed in NY and CT
- Significant experience navigating the New York Padavan Law, helping both non-profit and for-profit sponsors of community residences through the siting approval process at the municipal level, as well as successfully protecting the rights of these homes to be established in various residential neighborhoods before Administrative Hearing Officers and the Courts
- Represents developers and municipalities on land use, zoning, real estate, and environmental impact review matters
- Regularly appears before municipal agencies securing subdivision, site plan, zoning amendments, and other land development approvals
- Litigates real property cases in State and Federal Courts, and has successfully handled land use and zoning matters that intersect with civil rights, including community residential facilities, exclusionary zoning, RLUIPA, and the First and Fourteenth Amendments
- Pace University School of Law, J.D. with a Certificate in Environmental Law (Editor-in-Chief, Pace Environmental Law Review; Senior Research Fellow & Director, Pace Land Use Law Center); Muhlenberg College, B.A. in Psychology with a concentration in Environmental Studies
- Can be contacted at (914) 682-7800 or [email protected]

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