Gain new insights with a comprehensive overview of government financial reporting from beginning to end.
Recent financial difficulties of state and local government finances, highlighted by some noteworthy bankruptcy filings, have prompted increased attention on governmental financial statements. The financial statements of these governments and governmental entities can be very confusing, even for the experienced accountant. This topic will explain the overall financial reporting model used by governments under GASB 34 and help you understand the types of information that can be gleaned from the financial statements and what that information means. The topic will also discuss some very important accounting areas (such as pensions) and how those accounting areas are reflected in governmental financial statements.

Warren Ruppel, CPA
Marks Paneth LLP
- Managing director with CBIZ Marks Paneth, part of a Top Ten accounting firm
- Author of CCH’s Knowledge-Based Audits of Not-for-Profit Organizations; Wiley’s Not-for-Profit Accounting Made Easy; and Not-for-Profit Audit Committee Best Practices
- Former assistant comptroller of accounting for the city of New York, with overall responsibility for the city’s accounting and financial reporting
- Served numerous public sector not-for-profit and government audit clients earlier in his career with KPMG and Deloitte & Touche
- Former board member and chair of the audit committee of the New York State Society of CPAs
- Appears quarterly as the government specialist on the CPA report distributed by SmartPros

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