Make sure you have a well-defined policy for how travel and entertainment expenses are allocated.
When it comes to business travel and entertainment, it is important for employees to understand the expectations of the business when they are traveling on behalf of the business. Businesses often have to spend a significant amount of money cultivating new business relationships and maintaining current business relationships, thus, the need for entertainment and travel expenses. The general rule is that expenses incurred to earn a profit are deductible in the computation of business income. The tax treatment of travel and entertainment costs is important to ensure a busi-ness is maximizing its deductions to save on income tax. Having a well-defined policy for how travel and entertain-ment expenses are allocated will certainly help employees understand what is needed to assist a business in max-imizing its deductions.

Jackie A. Sexson
- Compliance and HR leader
- Former executive director with the legal and human resources consulting firm, The Sexson Group
- Extensive experience in employment and labor law, as well as human resources
- Experience as an attorney with HR background in employee relations, performance management (360-degree feedback), organizational management, benefits administration, recruitment and selection, compensation, equal employment opportunity, and training and development
- Experience with the public sector, Fortune 500 companies and small startup companies
- Held director and executive level positions, and worked as an independent consultant
- Certified as a senior professional in human resources by the Society for Human Resources Management
- J.D. and M.B.A. Degrees
- Can be contacted at 334-274-3007 or [email protected]

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