Understand the various aspects and conditions of CCPA, as well as the implications of wrongdoing for organizations.
Data protection and privacy is an important issue in this day and age for the public. Consumers want to make sure they are protected. There is good news though. The regulations being created are a good step in the right direction. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will provide people with more control over their privacy and personal data. It's essential to understand the various aspects and conditions, as well as the implications of wrongdoing for organizations.
Also, with data protection and privacy becoming serious issues for the public due to enhanced technology and monitoring tools, the need now more than ever is to have effective regulations in place This program will go through the different components of CCPA, discussing the rules, consumer and employee rights, consequences, enforcement and having the right compliance program. If you are new to CCPA this is a must-have. If not, this is a great refresher!

Justin Muscolino
JTM Compliance Training and Advisory
- Owner at JTM Compliance Training
- Brings over 25 years of wide-arranging experience in compliance, training, and regulations
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of your areas of practice – Regulatory compliance, risk management, training
- Advisor at the Global Compliance Institute (GCI)
- Master’s degree in finance; bachelor’s degree in business administration
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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