Review government contract security regulations and gain tips to help through common compliance scenarios.
Most companies of any size sell products and services to the federal government directly or indirectly through the supply chain. The federal government is increasingly placing cybersecurity compliance and cyber incident notification requirements on these companies. While many companies think they are immune from these existing and forthcoming requirements, the opposite is true: the federal government's position is that they apply broadly.
This program will explore the current cybersecurity requirements and how they apply to various companies depending on what they sell and who they sell it to (products or services/which agency/as a subcontractor or supplier). We will also review forthcoming requirements and how they will change the cybersecurity compliance landscape. We will not just review the regulations, but also provide practical pointers and tips to help companies through common compliance scenarios.

Eric Crusius
Holland & Knight LLP
- Partner at Holland & Knight LLP in Tysons, VA
- Practice focuses his practice on a wide range of government contract matters, including bid protests, claims and disputes, compliance issues and sub-prime issues
- Extensive experience in government contract litigation, including successfully prosecuting and intervening in numerous bid protests before the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, U.S. Government Accountability Office, boards of contract appeals and other federal agencies
- Counsels clients regarding the Service Contract Act (SCA) and other labor issues, domestic preferences, export controls, cybersecurity, subcontracting and teaming agreements, and compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and other agency regulatory requirements such as the Defense Federal Acquisition Supplement (DFARS)
- Recognized industry thought leader with having appeared on Government Matters, Federal News Network, and featured at conferences to provide insight to the greater contractor community
- Well-versed in developing strategies for and managing all stages of complex multimillion-dollar litigations from commencement through trial
- J.D. degree, Hofstra University School of Law; B.A. degree in Social Science, with honors, Hofstra University
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 703-720-8042

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