Immediately Improve Your Communication Skills with Just One Tool

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December 31, 2014

To quickly see dramatic results from your investment in communication skills training, Use a Danger Phrase and Power Phrase list.

Making this list and keeping it somewhere you can see it and add to it transforms this tool into what’s called a visual cue. Human beings are visual communicators, and it’s imperative that you have visual cues around that help remind you of what to say and what not to say.

This list is made up of the phrases you use (or hear) that get something other than the desired result, as well as phrases that have been proven to achieve the goal the speaker desires.

For example, the phrase, “I have an idea,” is a danger phrase, and the power phrase to use instead is, “I have a solution.” People are more likely to respond positively to solutions than they are ideas. The phrase, “No offense, but . . . ,”  is simply a delete phrase, because wanting to say this signals that the speaker knows what is about to come is offensive to the recipient, so instead of trying to skirt culpability, the savvy communicator simply decides to completely refrain from saying whatever it was he or she was about to say to begin with. Power phrases such as “You’re in luck!” create a positive bio-chemical reaction in the listener, and should be used as often as possible in a customer service or sales environment.

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Keeping this tool somewhere where it can serve as a visual cue--and adding to it when you recognize new danger and power phrases--is one of the most effective things you can do to see an immediate difference in your communication results, and one of the fastest ways to become a polished, savvy, confident communicator.

Dan O’Connor

Internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and expert communication trainer Dan O’Connor specializes in delivering specific step-by-step tactics, danger phrases, power phrases and other tools that participants can immediately use to achieve instant results both at work and at home.

Dan’s proprietary communication system--the product of 20 years of development-- focuses on theory,tactics, and tools, and gives audience members the take-aways they need to instantly overcome even their toughest communication and relationship challenges.

Dan’s keynotes, seminars, and workshops are guaranteed to give your participants the tools they need to quickly and easily deal with difficult people, strengthen their personal and professional relationships, eliminate negativity, and communicatewith more power, tact, and finesse.

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