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Roger C. Parker

Author at Published & Profitable
Dover, New Hampshire
  • Partner in the office of Published & Profitable

  • Practice emphasizes all aspects of writing and communication skills using the latest technology and online marketing tools, including content strategy planning and copywriting assistance plus do-it-yourself templates, tools, and training for content marketing and writing a brand-building nonfiction book

  • Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous topics including, the new rules of writing and publishing, LinkedIn® content marketing, creating a sustainable content marketing program, serial marketing, visual planning and communications, and mind mapping your way to success

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  • Partner in the office of Published & Profitable

  • Practice emphasizes all aspects of writing and communication skills using the latest technology and online marketing tools, including content strategy planning and copywriting assistance plus do-it-yourself templates, tools, and training for content marketing and writing a brand-building nonfiction book

  • Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous topics including, the new rules of writing and publishing, LinkedIn® content marketing, creating a sustainable content marketing program, serial marketing, visual planning and communications, and mind mapping your way to success

  • Wrote several publications related to the areas of content marketing, graphic design for non-designers, visual thinking, and effective presentation skills; writer of over 40 books sold around the world, including the international bestseller, Looking Good in Print: A Guide to Basic Design for Desktop Publishing; other titles include the original Microsoft Office for Windows for Dummies, the One-Minute Designer, #Book_Title_Tweet: 140-Bite-Sized Ideas for Compelling Article, Book, and Event Titles, and The Streetwise Guide to Relationship Marketing on the Internet

  • Top performing blogger for the Content Marketing Institute; Boston Content, Nonfiction Authors Association, contributor to Mindjet Blog, and others

  • Degree in history, with honors, Clark University, Harvard Extension

  • Can be contacted at 603-866-6046 or rcpcontent@gmail and @rogercparker


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Published & Profitable

PO Box 697
Dover, NH 03821