Pamela Gilchrist
Principal at Gilchrist Group
Cincinnati, Ohio
- Chief strategist and CEO of the Gilchrist Group®, a strategic business consulting firm specializing in business growth, executive leadership and high impact communications. The firm, founded in 1999, has deep expertise in guiding organizations through times of significant growth and change
- Served as chief communications consultant for companies ranging from emerging businesses to multi-billion dollar Fortune 100s
- Regularly presents keynote addresses, workshops, seminars and webinars on optimizing outcomes, leading change, building high-performance cultures, branding, personal branding, preventing million dollar marketing mistakes and her popular Expert Influence™ Academy
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- Chief strategist and CEO of the Gilchrist Group®, a strategic business consulting firm specializing in business growth, executive leadership and high impact communications. The firm, founded in 1999, has deep expertise in guiding organizations through times of significant growth and change
- Served as chief communications consultant for companies ranging from emerging businesses to multi-billion dollar Fortune 100s
- Regularly presents keynote addresses, workshops, seminars and webinars on optimizing outcomes, leading change, building high-performance cultures, branding, personal branding, preventing million dollar marketing mistakes and her popular Expert Influence™ Academy
- Her personal branding blueprint is featured in the recent book: Speak More
- Holds universal accreditation by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and is a certified personality type trainer through Loyola University Chicago
- Awards: International Public Relations Association Golden World Trophy, Multiple Platinum Hermes Creative Award Winner, Multiple Public Relations Association of America Award Winner, International Marketing Association Award Winner, Bulldog Reporter Gold Award Winner
- Member of the National Speakers Association, where she serves as president of the Ohio Chapter; member of the Public Relations Society of America; the American Marketing Association; American Society of Training and Development; and the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
- Named PRSA PR Professional-of-the-Year
- Master’s degree, The Ohio State University; bachelor’s degree, Western Michigan University
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 859-431-9090,, Twitter: @pamgilchrist and LinkedIn: pamelagilchrist