Understand the issues involved in complying with the sales tax registration and reporting requirements in multiple states.
Many companies that do business in several states do not fully understand the sales and use tax requirements for multistate businesses. The Streamlined Sales Tax Project and recent Wayfair decision provide guidance to businesses through the complexity in state sales tax systems. This presentation is critical for company representatives responsible for sales and use tax billing and tax compliance to understand the issues involved in complying with the sales tax registration and reporting requirements in multiple states, familiarize themselves with the Streamlined Sales Tax Project and Wayfair decision, and identify the states where tax registrations are required. Failing to properly fulfill these requirements can result in sales and use tax exposure and potential penalties and interest.
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Sales Tax Basics
- Provide a General Explanation of the Basics of Sales and Use Taxes
- Provide Examples of Common Issues Regarding Variances in State Sales Tax Laws
- Provide Examples of Common Issues Regarding Nexus
Sales Tax Nexus
- Discuss the History of Sales Tax Nexus
- Examine Relevant Nexus Related Case Law Including Quill, Complete Auto Transit, Wayfair, etc.
- The Fallout From the Wayfair Decision Including Economic Nexus and Marketplace Facilitator Laws
Purpose of Streamlined Sales Tax Project
- Discuss the Origin and Purpose of the Streamlined Sales Tax Project
- Review the Participating and Non-Participating Streamline States
Accomplishments and Benefits of Streamlined Sales Tax Project
- Provide Examples of Streamline Projects Such as Standardized Definitions, Exemption Certificates, and Sales Tax Matrix
- Provide Specific Industry and State Examples of How These Apply
- Current Status of Streamlined Sales Tax Project
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This course was last revised on January 23, 2025.
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Martin Joseph – Moderator
Crowe LLP
- Managing Director, State and Local Tax at Crowe LLP
- Many years of sales and use tax experience and knowledge with clients around the country
- Focuses on a variety of sales and use tax issues with clients in a variety of industries including manufacturing, software, health care, and non-construction and construction services
- Tax experience includes over 20 years with Crowe
- Past tax experience with Ernst & Young, Price Waterhouse, Comdisco, and the Illinois Department of Revenue
- M.S. Degree in accounting, Dominican University; B.S. Degree in finance, Eastern Illinois University
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

Jose Dominguez
Crowe LLP
- Manager, State and Local Tax at Crowe LLP
- Primarily specializing in sales and use tax
- Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and Certified Member of the Illinois CPA Society (ICPAS)
- B.S. Degree in accounting, Loyola University, IL
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or (312) 857-7411

Mary Jo B. Zuelsdorf, CMI
Crowe LLP
- Senior Manager, State and Local Tax at Crowe LLP
- Primarily specializing in sales and use tax, and state and local tax M&A
- Certified Member (Sales Tax) of the Institute for Professionals In Taxation (IPT), Associate member of Colorado Society of CPAs, and Associate member of Colorado Government Finance Officers Association
- B.A. Degree in accounting, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or (303) 831-5053
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